Friday, July 20, 2012

Dark Knight

Daisy's mental status:zombie mode. Cause: Batman midnight premiere triggered racing thoughts and inability to sleep further compounded by an 8 am arrival time at work. Suggested treatment: caffeine. Worth it? Absolutely. Last night brought about an unexpected surprise. I initially had plans to hang out with KC, MW, and PF to play a few games of bp, but after another exhausting BUTI workout drinking sank faster than the Titanic on my priority list. Just as I committed myself to a night in however, I got a call from MS. Because she would be turning 21 at midnight, she had an extra ticket to the premiere of "The Dark Knight Rises" and wanted to know if I was interested. She already knew the answer. My borderline unhealthy obsession with Christopher Nolan was itching for some fuel. Needless to say, the movie was incredible, and well, I'll leave it at that. After the film, we dragged our bodies from the theater while our minds lagged behind, still absorbed in the alternate reality we had occupied for the last two and a half hours. But soon enough we yanked ourselves out of the daze and launched into an analysis of the movie that would continue all the way home. We were so absorbed that we barely noticed the coupon that an employee handed us as we exited the theater. Assuming it was useless garbage, we were thrilled by our final surprise of the evening. It was a pass to enjoy a free movie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MS! We couldn't believe our luck, and I was astounded at the abundance the universe had endowed me all in one evening. I would tell you what movie we will be seeing next week, but I think you can probably guess.

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